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Torin O’ Shea Logo

This was an honor to create a logo for the fantasy author Torin O’ Shea. The logo was required to be displayed as a branding asset and as well as official representation of the author’s work. 

Provided Services

Our Objective

The client wanted us to design with a logo that incorporates an eagle with a touch of Celtic art in a modern from. After testing a few ideas we managed to present solid designs for the client to see. Since our client was an author, we wanted to design a logo that looks elegant as well, representing Torin O’shea’s artistic, modest, and firm spirit.

It is always essential to make sure the logos would look good in a white background as well as in the inverted version. That guarantees the clarity of the design and the text in various situations.

We also presented a few samples for the client to see how his logo will show in various platforms.

We create designs for brands to stand out. We create designs for brands to stand out We create designs.




Web Design
Music Production
Design & Concept Art
3D Art & Sculpting
Melodive Productions LLC 2024 All rights reserved